by Rev. DonnaKova Dauser
The King Arthur Cross
The leaden plate in the form of a Cross was found in King Arthur’s grave
at Glastonbury Abbey in the reign of King Henry II.
Abbots of Glastonbury
Glastonbury Abbey
image of the old gate to the abbey with blue whale jawbone over the sealed wooden doors
Glastonbury Abbey is one of England’s richest Benedictine houses, nestled in a cluster of hills within the small town in Somerset. The Abbey and nearby Tor, a curious whaleback formation visible from Glastonbury Festival tents and pyramid stage, has always been a popular place of pilgrimage. The Tor and Abbey stand in a zone of power that was once a remote site, much of it underwater. They survive with pre-Christian legacies that serve as a foundational segway for early Christian traditions. Most significantly this blessed land is the site of the first Christian church, founded by St. Joseph of Arimathea in the 1st century AD. Some researchers believe Joseph was a wealthy merchant who sometimes traveled to foreign lands with his young nephew, Jesus, so they built the first church together.
Island of Glass
Glastonbury is a beacon. One sees it from afar wherever one goes in the area of the Somerset Levels. The tower of St. Michael, all that remains of a fifteenth-century chapel that fell down in an earthquake in the seventeenth century, rises above the vast bulk of the Tor – a landmark for voyagers from every point of the compass.
Here, according to local tradition, Joseph of Arimathea, a rich Jew with connections in the tin trade, often came, on one occasion perhaps bringing with him the boy Jesus, his ‘nephew’. Later, after the fateful events in Palestine and after many miraculous adventures on the way, Joseph returned, bringing with him perhaps the most sacred and most sought-after relic in Christendom – the Holy Grail, a cup believed by some to have been used to celebrate the first Eucharist at the Last Supper, and subsequently to catch some of the Sacred Blood that flowed from the wounds…
… For the Grail is much more than an object – it is the embodiment of an idea, a vision, that is so completely a part of the human psyche; its quest is of supreme importance to each and every one concerned with the search for their own identity, and ultimately perhaps with the future of human kind itself.
It is this dream that brings pilgrims to Glastonbury in their thousands, the numbers growing year after year. Not that very many of them expect to find the Grail there, they are simply drawn to the place that has been called ‘this holiest earth’, and that seems to call out to the seekers after the infinite, as though it were somehow a gateway to that elusive state of being. Certainly there is some evidence to suggest that one of the earliest Christian communities (if not the earliest) was established in or near Glastonbury. Tradition speaks of a ‘church of wattles’ built by Joseph of Arimathea and consecrated by angelic hands. Later foundations, including the elaborate medieval splendour of the abbey, were built upon these foundations.
Olympic Opening Ceremony Puts Glastonbury On The Map - photos
Glastonbury Tor, the rocky outcropping rising from southwest England's Somerset Levels, is soaking up the international spotlight thanks to being the most prominent part of the set for the opening ceremony of the London Olympics.
Glastonbury Festival 2014:
Metallica 21.45-23.45
The Sacred Tarot Deck
14. Balance
The balance between humanity and nature is vital. The intricate mechanisms that are the arteries and nervous system of the Earth are as sensitive and complex as that of any living organism and we have succeeded in shifting this delicate balance from one of finely tuned interactions to a malignant and polluted environment. The ancient peoples of the Earth long ago recognized their dependence on the ecosystem of the planet to sustain and renew their children. Modern society has become completely detached from that reality and believes the planet is here only for our selfish and greedy consumption. The renewal is taken for granted, yet we have poured toxic waste into the seas and landscape so that our offspring will be facing death a thousand years from now. Our abuse of the natural world has annihilated whole species of creatures and rent a hole in the very fabric of the atmosphere that makes life on this planet possible. This is a crime beyond comprehension and humankind will be paying the price for generations to come. Visit these pages for more information about Trump XIV
3c Alchemy Trump XIV A Guide to Glastonbury's Temple of the Stars
see Piety: The Knights of the Round Table about to Depart in Quest of the Holy Grail
Note:The Glastonbury Zodiac matches King Arthur with the ninth zodiacal sign Sagittarius, Guinevere his wife is Virgo, Merlin the magician is Capricorn, and Sir Lancelot is Leo. Glastonbury is located in Aquarius which, on this map, is represented as a phoenix -- the New Age rising from the ashes of the old. Chalice Well is in the bird-beak, the Tor is its head and the abbey, Grail Castle.
Glastonbury - Summer Solstice #1
Global citizens believe in a world without extreme poverty #by2030. join us Top | Abramelin | Alchemy | Ancient Oracle | Articles | Artists ~ Rock & Roll | Astrology | Astroscape | Aura | Babylon 5 | Beat | beatles | Bus | Candles | Colour Waves | Constantine | Deva | Divination | Dowser | Early Heraldry | FAQ | Gladiator-Champion-Fighter | Haight-Ashbury | Heartwarmer * Bread & Roses | Hip | Hobbit Dowser - Nyll Greenwood | Hogwarts | House System * Sacred Tarot | Internal Spectrum | Lab | Mandala | Mask-Who Was That Masked Man? | Masked World | Matrix | Meditation Index | Middle-earth Inn | Mirror | Mountain | Mystique | Neutrals | Number 1-9 | 11-22-33 | Palm | Parapsychology |
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The Fruitful Search,
[French] La Recherche Fructueuse, [German] Die Fruchtbare Suche,
[Greek] Recherche Fructueuse, Fruchtbare Suche,
[Italian] La Ricerca Fruttuosa,
[Spanish] a Búsqueda, El La Recherche Fructueuse, [Portuguese] A Busca Fruitful, [Dutch] Het Vruchtbare Onderzoek
and Abbots of Glastonbury
The inscription reads: Hic jacet sepultus inclytus Rex Arthurus in Insula Avalonia ["Here lies interred in the Isle of Avalon the renowned King Arthur."]
Henry of Blois.
Robert of Winchester.
Henry of Sully.
Savaric B.P. of Bath.
Jocelyn B.P. of Bath.
William Vigor.
Michael of Ambresbury.
Roger Ford.
Robert of Petherton.
John of Taunton.
John of Kent.
Geoffrey Fromond.
Walter of Taunton.
Adam of Sodbury.
John Breynton.
Walter Monington.
John Chinnock.
Nicholas Frome.
Walter More.
John Selwood.
Richard Bere.
Richard Whyting.
The Etheric Double subtle energy
The large thorn tree that grows in the Abbey garden originated from a transplanted branch that came from the Garden of Gethsemane in the holy land. The original stone wall and sealed entry gate, once used by royal coaches, is still encircled by the jawbone of a great blue whale, an ancient symbol of Jesus Christ.
In the neighborhood, till about the period of the Roman conquest, two Celtic lake villages stood on ground artificially built up above the water-line. These were centers of the La Tene culture. Artifacts testify to developed crafts and wide-ranging trade. The land was eventually drained and the sea excluded, but the image of the hill-cluster’s insularity persisted and was the reason for two controversial names applied to it: Ynys-witrin – i.e., the Isle of Glass—and Avalon. Glastonbury Tor is an ancient site that once held a sacred cauldron, linked to the legend of the Chalice Well as the last secure place of the Grail. Both are external symbols of the inner cauldron and inner chalice we all carry within ourselves. The tombs of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere, found at the Abbey, were ceremoniously opened in 1278 by Edward I and the remains reinterred with full royal pomp and ceremony.
The healing waters that flow from the Chalice Well are collected in several large pools accessible to visitors.
Fortress of the Holy Grail
by Bob Stewart & John Matthews
Elsewhere, in the landscape around the Tor, investigators as varied as the Elizabethan magus, John Dee and, in the twentieth century, Katherine Maltwood, have claimed to have found the remains of another mystery -- a vast terrestrial zodiac shaped from the land itself and following the lines of ancient trackways, medieval field-boundaries, and even modern roads. These shapes which seems to be very much in the eye of the beholders, may perhaps stand for another kind of Round-Table fellowship, originally twelve in numbers, who in some way inscribes their presence on the countryside where once they lived and hunted and fought. Whatever the reality, the Glastonbury Zodiac is very much a part of the legendary landscape of Glastonbury – and of the mystery that draws people in.
Though the Tor -- the word is Celtic for hillock -- is a well known destination for Brits, who hike up it to visit St. Michael's Tower, which crowns its crest, it is likely unknown to foreigners.
The Tor's most notable feature -- tower aside -- is its reputation: This hump in the see of fields has been associated not only with Authurian legend, in which it is said to sit atop an underworld kingdom, but with all sorts of stories about fairies, saints and the like. The mysterious terraces on the side of the Tor are said to be a neolithic labyrinth.
The Pyramid Stage on Saturday:
Jack White 19.30-20.45
Robert Plant 17.30-18.45 Robert Plant & The Sensational Space Shifters on Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury Festival
Lana Del Rey 16.00-17.00
Kelis 14.30-15.20
Angel Haze 13.15-14.00
Nitin Sawhney 12.00-12.45
Nick Mulvey 11.00-11.40
Festivals from Glastonbury summers past are provided by Palladia TV,
Palladia facebook, and
You Tube Jimmy Page & Robert Plant - 1995
Glastonbury Abbey
Robert Plant and the Sensational Space Shifters for Glastonbury Abbey Extravaganza
Glastonbury Festival @ Twitter
Trump XIV Temperance, Art, Balance
The Wild Wood Tarot refers to the cauldron and the ancient spirit of Glastonbury, and the co-creative power of clear feminine and masculine principles that relate to them, in part under the title Balance, as follows:
Temperance is the traditional name of this card, and it represents a state of inner strength and tranquility from which deeper knowledge of the self and the universe can be absorbed and contemplated. It is the key to the higher self. Both on the personal level and as a species, we must strive to find a balance.
3d Temperance, Binary Solutions
Trump XIV Temperance - Art
The Fountain of Life
see The Oracle's Lab, related to The Matrix film series
Katherine E. Maltwood (1935)
The geographical zodiac referred to by Katherine Maltwood in her books, about the Glastonbury landscape in Somerset, is said to tell the story of King Arthur and his Knights in earth, stone, and boundary lines that can be identified. Earlier authors who have documented other zodiacal landmarks usually refer to pre-Christian arrangements. Maltwood makes the most compelling case for the zodiacal girdle patterned as terrestrial power sites that form a crystallized mirror of the Arthur legend. However, Maltwood suggests the original source for these power placements tracks back to an early post-flood story [probably the fifth dynasty], linked to Sumerian history and/or legend.
Some confusion about ancient power site alignments may be augmented by modern astrologers [conspirators who write the Sunday paper horoscope, no doubt] and 'scientists' with an exoteric insight into star groups. There are others who fail to adjust for the current North Star, that changes from one aeon to another, due to the precession of the equinoxes (as well as the stars' proper motions). An more basic problem has to do with the lexicon in use for certain single stars, constellations, or allocation of similar meanings for stars associated with Hercules and Gilgamesh, stars shared by more than one constellation, etc. There is also the adjustment that must be made for our power system, ruled by men,
that will excise subtle body hero-heroine
William Dyce, 1849
Summer Solstice #2
Festival 2013-2014
10 Forward Trek galley, Colour Us Inn, Indiana Jones Menu, Innholders' Company, All In The Sauce,
Jupiter Table,
magic spice, Mercury Table, Oracle's Lab,
shrmx, Smoothie,
Starlight Inn-Star Wars, Tangerine, vittles,
Western Inn