2C C O N F I D E N C E
Grey and green are two key colours that can function as foundational building blocks in binary solution formulae, including geographical sites. The United States center of gravity is moving westward - first in Boston, MS and now around Chicago IL. Grey, green and crystal symbolize mid-points.
Inspired Gertrude Jekyll's 1907 'grey garden' from Colour Schemes for The Flower Garden.
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Natural Neutrals for more
Cheers: The Queen toasts Nigeria's first lady Stella Obasanjo Dec. 4, 2003 © Reuters
What is confidence? Some people believe confidence walks with the ability to acquire formulae for higher octave machines. movie file: Contact,
The Matrix, Star Trek, Star Wars. TV:
Person of Interest
Kerouac & Cassidy "...
Kerouac's words and image appear in advertisements for cars and clothing. As the novelist William S. Burroughs observed, 'Kerouac opened a million coffee bars and sold a million pairs of Levi's to both sexes'." -The Atlantic
Vega - The Summer Triangle includes